What a lovely surprise! Pulphouse has selected my story, Predict THIS, for inclusion in this special collection of ten stories. This is my first reprint, and I wasn’t even seeking it. What an honor to be among such amazing authors on this table of contents! Get it here.

Bucket list item…ACHIEVED! I got into Pulphouse. Check out my short story, Predict THIS, in issue #14, released October 2021.

I’m mostly a sci-fic guy, but I do have a short story, Sprinters, in this Fiction River Magazine romance collection…of course, it is a sci-fi romance! Get it here at Amazon.

My short story “Statute 49” is FREE on Amazon for a limited time! Please SHARE this great news with your friends, to help me promote this special offer, and go get your own FREE copy, too! Makes a great lunchtime or public transit read! Hurry! This deal ends in just a few days!

I’m pleased to announce I have a short story in this holiday anthology. Visit Amazon here to check out Turn the Page!

Great news! My short story, UNSAVORY, is featured in issue #32 of Fiction River Magazine, Superstitious, and it just released in ebook and paperback! Get it here!

I’m excited to announce that five of my short stories will be published by Fiction River Magazine over the next several months. Check back here for release news as it becomes available!

One of my novels, Rufus Quince: Bounty Hunter — Dreams of a Fool, is included in a Space Opera StoryBundle that launches today! Here’s what the curator has to say about this amazing offer…